Useful information

Identity papers, driving licence, passport

In case of loss or theft of your identity papers, contact the services of the prefecture of Indre.
Contact: Place de la Victoire et des Alliés - 36000 Châteauroux
(+33) 2 54 29 50 00


If you have a health problem, consult the map of care centres in your area at . You can also go to the emergency at the Châteauroux hospital (216, avenue de Verdun - 36000 Châteauroux). To avoid overloading the emergency service, start by calling 15 or 112.

Security and safety

In the event of robery, assault or any other form of violence, report to the Châteauroux police station.
Contact: boulevard George Sand - 36000 Châteauroux
(+33) 2 54 08 50 17
In an emergency, call 17

Mobility, transport

Châteauroux metropolitan area has a free bus network. Find the map and bus timetables at:
SNCF station: rue Bourdillon - 36000 Châteauroux -


Find all accommodation on:


Find all the restaurants on:

Things to do

Places to visit, leisure activities, outings... Find all the activities on:
Contact Châteauroux Tourist Office: 2, place de la République - 36000 Châteauroux
(+33)2 54 34 10 74

Emergency numbers

Police service: 17
Fire service: 18
Emergency medical care: 15

Europe-wide emergency number: 112
SAS 36: 116 117
SMS / Fax number for the deaf and hard of hearing: 114
Medical emergencies 36: (+33)2 54 34 34 34
Poison control centre: (+33)2 41 48 21 21
Samu social / Help for the homeless: 115
Viol femme information: 0800 05 95 95
SOS Suicide: (+33)1 45 39 40 00

Social media accounts to follow

In the event of a crisis (attacks, demonstrations, accidents, etc.), the prefecture communicates important information on its networks (diversions, areas closed to traffic).
On Facebook: Préfet de l'Indre
On X : @prefet36

Interactive map: